Posts Tagged ‘tangocms’

Tango CMS

Friday, December 7th, 2012

The Open Source PHP CMS

TangoCMS is a free and open source (GNU/GPL 2.1) PHP Content Management System (CMS). Its ease of use and powerful feature set allows you to quickly and easily create and manage an entire website.

With TangoCMS, you don’t need to worry about complicated code to create a complex or simple website, we take care of that for you. All you need to do is the most important part, create and manage your content with ease.

We aim to develop a content management system that;

Is powerful and flexible yet easy for anyone, even with basic web knowledge, to use.
Has been built with security in mind from the start.
Complies to W3C HTML strict standards.

TangoCMS offers many features to achieve this and help you manage your website, publish content and speed up your work flow for creating complex websites in the shortest time possible. A powerful media module allows you to display pictures, videos and audio files (thanks to the great FlowPlayer project) for your users to view.

With an ever growing community, you will always get the best support with any problems or questions you come across. Feel like TangoCMS may be for you? Try our demo installation and test it out before you install it for your self.


TangoCMS offers you many features that help speed up the work flow of creating, and managing, a website that suits your needs. We’re focused on bringing you a high quality feature set to ensure you always have latest technologies available to use.

So you can see these features first hand, we have setup a working demo that you can use. Below is a list of key features and other smaller (yet still important) features that are implemented.

Key Features

Clean Interface

A unique clean interface not only makes TangoCMS look visually beautiful, it also makes it much easier to work in due to the simplicity of the different interface elements. The visual style can easily be changed through an ever growing selection of themes.

Easy Content Layout

Both the Main site and AdminCP are easily configurable in terms of content layout, meaning you can choose where things should be to create the perfect environment to work in, and control what content is displayed to your users.

Flexible Permissions and User Group Management

ACL, Access Control Levels, allows you to fine tune what groups of users have permission to certain content. This allows you to create a powerful structure of content which can be restricted to the different groups. Groups can inherit permissions from each other, allowing you to create an unbeatable chain of permissions.


Easily upload and share Images, Video and Audio for others to view and leave comments on. Media items can also be added from externals sources, such as YouTube. All Video and Audio files are played through the beautiful FlowPlayer project.

Open Source

All of TangoCMS is released under open sources licenses, meaning you can modify the code in any way you wish (keeping within the terms of the licenses) – increasing what you can do with TangoCMS to how well you can program!

RSS Feeds

Generates correctly formatted RSS feeds for your viewers to subscribe to, allowing them to be kept up to date on your websites content.

Standard Compliant

We believe that all markup should comply to the standards set by the W3C, using semantically correct HTML. This means your website will be valid and helps ensure forward compatibility with future technologies.

Update Notifier

Your TangoCMS installation will notify you when a new release is available, helping to ensure you’ll always have the latest security and bug fixes as well as feature improvements.

URL Aliases

Control the structure of your websites URLs by aliases easily and quickly. Alias longer URLs such as ‘page/index/about’ to a much shorter and human readable ‘about’.


TangoCMS requires PHP hosting that meets the following requirements in order for it to function correctly:

PHP 5.2.0 or greater
MySQL 4.1 or greater (recommended MySQL 5)
Apache 2+ (1.3 is not supported), Lighttpd, IIS 6+, nginx are supported, others may work but have not been tested. Recommended to install mod_rewrite (or similar) for SEF, Search Engine Friendly, URLs.

PHP Extensions

TangoCMS needs the following PHP extensions to function correctly. While this does look a lot, the majority are either enabled by default, or part of the PHP core.

filter (as of TangoCMS 2.4.0)
SimpleXML (TangoCMS < 2.6.0) Optional/Recommended The following are optional extensions, however are recommended to improve the functionality of TangoCMS. FileInfo gd tangocms, tangocms modules, tangocms themes, tangocms templates, tangocms review, how to install tangocms, about tangocms, what is tangocms