Archive for the ‘CakePHP’ Category

CakePHP training in india

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

We offers better CakePHP training course in world only cost of US $45 . Join our CakePHP course training in India and make better website using best PHP framework.
Our CakePHP training course outline are :

Introduction to CakePHP
Understanding the MVC Pattern Models, Controllers, View, How it works?
Configuration cakePHP
Setting up cakephp with apache environment eg: enable mod_rewrite, configuring Cake to work with database, running cake for the first time.
Cake Convention: Naming convention for models, controllers, views and database tables
Models: Creating up model for a database table, retrieving data, saving and updating data, deleting data, user defined functions in models, data validation
Controllers: Creating controllers, controller function, interacting with model, interacting with views, controller variables & parameters, redirection, getting post data
Views: Working and configuring layouts, creating custom layouts, elements and helpers
Cake Session: Storing data in cake session, reading a session data, delete data from session
Helpers: JavaScript, Ajax
Caching: Working with cache, activating cache, enable cache within controller, marking content that is not to be cached, clearing cache.